2022 is indeed a promising year. We are stepping into the new year of 2023 with new aspirations. We are ready to welcome the new year with new joy, new hope, and new vigor.
We are entering 2023 even stronger by integrating the life lessons taught by the pandemic in the past years.
The year 2022 has taught us many challenges and solutions even though we have overcome the challenges experienced during the pandemic and returned stronger.
It is indeed a miracle that we have recovered from the pandemic of 2021 and become stronger in 2022. It is great that we have grown like warriors who can face any difficulties when the year 2022 is concluding. Currently, all the departments of our Fidelitus Corp organization are working well and we have found the confidence and determination to achieve double the planned growth in the past two years.
It is very happy that our Fidelitus Corp is also growing year by year and has achieved lots of milestones. . Our Fidelitus family has also been able to spread smiles on everyone’s faces with more cheerfulness and vigor. With the motto ‘We are with you for a better tomorrow’, this year too we have been able to conduct business and made more people a part of the Fidelitus organization. In this regard, each of our business verticals is working positively towards more achievements with great enthusiasm.
It is a matter of pride that our organization has been recognized at the global level in the current year. Our Fidelitus Corp has also been recognized at par with the national and international level companies in Bengaluru Tech Summit which was Asia’s biggest business expo. It was also represented at First Circle Business Expo, Invest Karnataka, and FMG Global Meet.
Fudelitus Corp which was operating in Hyderabad, Cochin, and Chennai joined hands with CIRIL – Commercial Office, Investment, Retail, Industrial & Logistics Services is now operating in all the cities and now is capable of operating in 24 cities of the country.
Not only this, but Fidelitus Corp is also ready to work at the international level and some of the international projects will soon be released for you.
As our Shilpa Foundation has been carrying out social work continuously for seven to eight years, we are very proud to say that this year also we have commendably extended our social responsibility very well. In the year 2022, Shilpa Foundation has succeeded in providing education, health, and food to hundreds of children. We are satisfied to give our best help throughout the year who were in need. Shilpa Foundation participated in Sansadara Shaale Abhiyan and joined hands in the development of many government schools in Bengaluru. Also, to create environmental awareness among the people, we have organized tree-planting programs and awareness programs among the children. We have also organized health camps for school children and helped treatment for thousands of children.
We have lost many well-known artists this year. The artists who faced hardships in the year 2020-21 tried to bounce back in the year 2022. Meanwhile, our Fidelitus Gallery organized many programs to support art and artists. The Fidelitus Gallery which completed 8 years successfully organized many exhibitions by the artists. On special occasions, one of the important artists of our gallery Kotegadde S Ravi who conducted speed paintings brought a good name to us.
Even in the year 2022, we feel proud to say that we have lit up the lives of thousands of people, not directly, but indirectly.
Our Fidelitus Corp Human Resources and Facility Management team has helped many people get jobs and return to a comfortable life. This is very significant work we have done this year.
The corporate real estate sector is recovering amid several challenges and the team at our company has achieved greater heights. It is successfully finalized many transactions. In addition, our turn-key design-build team is also continuously working on several projects and delivering projects. Works are being done by our team in several places including KSCA, and ISRO in collaboration with the government. From this year we are making a mark in the construction sector as well.
Overall in the year 2022,
I must remember the personalities who supported and cooperated with me in my personal and business life as a backbone, mentor, and benefactors. I offer my obeisance’s to the spiritual leaders including Paramapujya Avadhootha Sri Vinay Guruji, Paramapujya Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Nirmalananda Swamiji, Sri Sri Prakashnath Swamiji, Sri Sri Swasa Guru Vachanananda Swamiji who are always leading us spiritually through good words and guidance. Similarly, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the dignitaries Sri Dr. Ashwathnarayan, Sri Tejaswi Surya, Sri HD Devegowda, Sri HD Kumaraswamy, etc., and others.
Above all, my loving family who have supported me every step of the way. I am indeed nothing without the support of my little family. Amidst the pressures of daily business life, time spent with family was rare this year. Even so, I am eternally indebted to my beloved family, including my wife, beloved children, and parents, who have stood by me and supported me in everything.
If all these are memories of the passing year, big plans are in mind for the new year, and our team is geared up to achieve more. Coming soon with big projects. We desire that you bless us as earlier.
We need to make even more lifestyle changes in the year 2023, to live even more healthily, happily, and lavishly. May your plans be big and may you have the drive, passion, and ability to achieve them. May your life be filled with peace and prosperity.
Unfold The Zeal with Fidelitus!!
Happy New Year 2023!
Best Regards
Achuth Gowda, MRICS, Founder & MD – Fidelitus Corp CORP